For Immediate Release:
December 31, 2021
24 percent of students are proficient in Reading and Math that means 70% of students are not
As we examine structural racism impacting our communities, we use data as our springboard in order to communicate with integrity and transparency (all day, every day). , we step forward to dismantle norms that have led to Black Flight and insecurity in this city. CPS serves over 300,00 students 36% of those are Black. We are very concerned about the quality of education Chicago Public Schools is providing our children. Before the pandemic black community was struggling with an epidemic of unchecked violence, school closures, and an achievement gap that has YET to be addressed. According to the Illinois State Board of Education, Black students are the furthest behind every racial group in reading and math outcomes.. Public school buildings are a vital asset to our community that should serve as a hub for learning and a refuge for our most vulnerable population. The constant interruptions in our children’s education impedes progress and perpetuate SYSTEMIC RACISM. To create racial equity, we must close the achievement gap and provide every opportunity for Black children to thrive.. We want to ensure that schools are not just fully staffed, but staffed with adults that understand the cultural needs of Black children and are vested in their academic success. We also need Local School Councils to have the tools and financial resources necessary to govern safely through this pandemic. As a result, we are requesting that Chicago Public Schools:
1. Continue to keep school buildings open for in-person learning, testing, and vaccinations.
2. Provide training and support to Local School Councils on how to spend funds, address staffing concerns, monitor, and track mitigation to keep their schools safe and protected.
3. Provide access to individual tutoring for Black students in K-12th that scored below 50 percentile on Reading and Math assessments. Share progress and data with BCC leadership.
4. Provide access to wrap-around support for Black students in k-12th that have less than 90% attendance rate. Track and monitor the progress of services provided along with outcomes. Share data with BCC leadership.
5. Create a communication strategy with community partners to ensure families recieve accurate and updated information about coronavirus cases- when classrooms flip to remote and other measures the district is taking to address safety concerns.
In Collaboration,
BCC Leadership